
Írta: GrínTím

Különleges zöld labirintus London belvárosában

As a Londoner I am very attentive to the innovative quirks of the UK's capital, from strange elephants dotted around the city, to giant chessboards, to an oversized ship in a bottle and recently, a rather large (30m by 20m) and environmentally friendly (!) maze found right in the centre of Trafalgar Square. Much like the Queen of Heart’s maze in Wonderland, the attraction is not just aimed at confusing the puzzled wanderer; on the contrary it seeks to teach foreigners and locals alike about the pulsing heart of Theatreland; London’s West End. The idea is to encourage tourists to drop out of the ordinary tourist trail (Big Ben, Portobello and the Change of Guard) in order to be pleasantly surprised by the multitude of unwritten secrets that the metropolis’s side streets and alleyways have to offer.


Trafalgar Square's Amazing Maze.

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Címkék: london útvesztő labirintus square trafalgar trafalgar

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Különleges zöld labirintus a London belvárosában (via ZöldTér – reloaded) « BLog OF BlogS · http://blofbs.wordpress.com/2010/08/15/kulonleges-zold-labirintus-a-london-belvarosaban-via-zoldter-reloaded/ 2010.08.15. 14:25:31

[...] Különleges zöld labirintus a London belvárosában (via ZöldTér – reloaded) Filed under: Uncategorized — lgyarmati @ 12:13 pm As a Londoner I am very attentive to the innovative quirks of the UK's capital, from strange elephants dotted around the city, to giant chessboards, to an oversized ship in a bottle and recently, a rather large (30m by 20m) and environmentally friendly (!) maze found right in the centre of Trafalgar Square. Much like the Queen of Heart’s maze in Wonderland, the attraction is not just aimed at confusing the puzzled wanderer; on the contrary it see … Read More [...]
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