
Írta: GrínTím

Újabb meztelen környezetvédő híresség: Jenna Dewan Tatum

Nudity and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have become so synonymous in recent years that any photo-shoot, in which PETA is involved, necessarily means a snobbish carnival of stripping celebs. Making it to the list of nudes this time is Jenna Dewan Tatum who decides to save snakes, lizards, alligators, crocodiles, and other reptiles as she poses for PETA in the buff; not even a bandanna to hide her private parts.


PETA Nudes: Jenna Dewan Tatum Bares It All To Save Reptiles - Green Diary.

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Címkék: meztelen entertainment híresség jenna dewan tatum meztelen naked campaigns nudity people for the ethical treatment of animals peta peta ads peta nudes peta nudes

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Újabb meztelen környezetvédő híresség: Jenna Dewan Tatum (via ZöldTér – reloaded) « BLog OF BlogS · http://blofbs.wordpress.com/2010/07/25/ujabb-meztelen-kornyezetvedo-hiresseg-jenna-dewan-tatum-via-zoldter-reloaded/ 2010.07.25. 21:36:51

[...] Újabb meztelen környezetvédő híresség: Jenna Dewan Tatum (via ZöldTér – reloaded) Filed under: Uncategorized — lgyarmati @ 7:36 pm Nudity and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have become so synonymous in recent years that any photo-shoot, in which PETA is involved, necessarily means a snobbish carnival of stripping celebs. Making it to the list of nudes this time is Jenna Dewan Tatum who decides to save snakes, lizards, alligators, crocodiles, and other reptiles as she poses for PETA in the buff; not even a bandanna to hide her private parts. More: PETA Nud … Read More [...]
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