
Írta: GrínTím

Gázolaj napsugárból

Synthetic Gasoline Is Created From Biomass and Solar Power.

Instead of burning biomass for the energy needed to create biofuel, Sundrop uses concentrated solar as their energy source to gasify a range of feedstocks including agricultural waste, energy crops, and wood waste. The Sundrop process can produce a range of fuels including gasoline, diesel, and aviation fuel. Many other biofuel processes produce ethanol which has a lower energy density than other fuels, meaning that more of it must be used for an equal amount of work. (Flex-fuel cars get fewer miles per gallon from ethanol than from gasoline, but the ethanol fuel costs less per gallon, and the ethanol is not derived from petroleum.)

More: Synthetic Gasoline Is Created From Biomass and Solar Power.

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Címkék: biomass biomassza gasoline gázolaj gázolaj napenergia power solar solar sundrop

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Gázolaj napsugárból (via ZöldTér – reloaded) « BLog OF BlogS · http://blofbs.wordpress.com/2010/07/23/gazolaj-napsugarbol-via-zoldter-reloaded/ 2010.07.23. 20:30:17

[...] Gázolaj napsugárból (via ZöldTér – reloaded) Filed under: Uncategorized — lgyarmati @ 6:29 pm Synthetic Gasoline Is Created From Biomass and Solar Power. Instead of burning biomass for the energy needed to create biofuel, Sundrop uses concentrated solar as their energy source to gasify a range of feedstocks including agricultural waste, energy crops, and wood waste. The Sundrop process can produce a range of fuels including gasoline, diesel, and aviation fuel. Many other biofuel processes produce ethanol which has a lower energy density t … Read More [...]
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