
Írta: GrínTím

Elképesztő rizsföld képek Japánból

In Japan, they have a completely different take on the creation of such artworks, in the form of rice art on the fields. Every year Japanese farmers are planting rice in different patterns and using different sorts of rice for color. The result is spectacular pictures. Unfortunately it’s only visible until the rice is harvested in September.


Japan's Incredible Rice Field Art from Above.

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Címkék: japán kép japán művészet rizs rizs rizsföld

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Elképesztő rizsföld képek Japánból (via ZöldTér – reloaded) « BLog OF BlogS · http://blofbs.wordpress.com/2010/07/23/elkepeszto-rizsfold-kepek-japanbol-via-zoldter-reloaded/ 2010.07.23. 17:22:34

[...] Elképesztő rizsföld képek Japánból (via ZöldTér – reloaded) Filed under: Uncategorized — lgyarmati @ 3:19 pm In Japan, they have a completely different take on the creation of such artworks, in the form of rice art on the fields. Every year Japanese farmers are planting rice in different patterns and using different sorts of rice for color. The result is spectacular pictures. Unfortunately it’s only visible until the rice is harvested in September. More: Japan's Incredible Rice Field Art from Above. … Read More [...]
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