
Írta: GrínTím

Ezer éves légkondicionálók és passzív házak

Ancient desert-dwellers knew better than anyone that the best way to keep a home cool was to keep it from getting hot in the first place. This is why many hot-climate homes were built close together and finished with light-colored exteriors: both of these methods helped keep the heat out. But even more amazing is the windcatcher, a passive cooling device that has been used in Asia and the Middle East for many centuries.


From Ancient Air Conditioners to Contemporary Passive Homes : WebEcoist.

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Címkék: air conditioners ancient contemporary home klíma klíma légkondicionáló passive passzív passzív ősi

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Ezer éves légkondicionálók és passzív házak (via ZöldTér – reloaded) « BLog OF BlogS · http://blofbs.wordpress.com/2010/07/24/ezer-eves-legkondicionalok-es-passziv-hazak-via-zoldter-reloaded/ 2010.07.24. 09:46:44

[...] Ezer éves légkondicionálók és passzív házak (via ZöldTér – reloaded) Filed under: Uncategorized — lgyarmati @ 7:46 am Ancient desert-dwellers knew better than anyone that the best way to keep a home cool was to keep it from getting hot in the first place. This is why many hot-climate homes were built close together and finished with light-colored exteriors: both of these methods helped keep the heat out. But even more amazing is the windcatcher, a passive cooling device that has been used in Asia and the Middle East for many centuries. More: From Ancient Air Con … Read More [...]
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